Hi! I’m Vibhu.

It is my desire for you to experience wholeness and create peace inside and outside.
I invite you to release whatever is blocking you and return to your aware, peaceful and integrated nature.
Whether you’re struggling in relationships or seeking emotional balance, spiritual growth, happiness and inner peace. It is possible, and I’m so glad you’re here!

I founded Integrated mind to share the science of inner transformation through a unique combination of eastern psychotherapy, techniques of self-awareness and emotional healing.

My education is in art and philosophy, metacognitive behaviour and science of inner awareness.

Over the past decade, I’ve practised and trained in various meditative therapies, this provided an opportunity to learn and respond to a vast range of issues from a meditative perspective. Meditation is the only means for living a joyful and fulfilled life, one need only to throw away the madness of the mind and connect with the being to experience peace. I’ve been working with people facing stress, anxiety, addictions, low self-esteem, depressive state, relationship difficulties, mood swings, panic attacks, grief and unhappiness.

If you are unhappy with where you are and know that you deserve better, meditation therapies help you uncover the negative thoughts, unconscious pain patterns, beliefs, and unfulfilled desires that are hurting you and heal the cause of your unhappiness.

As Helen Keller says: Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

A little bit about my background

Born and raised in India, for as long as I can remember I’ve been curious about the subtle aspects of life. In my quest to understand what fundamentally brings fulfilment and peace I started exploring the lives of spiritual masters, started learning about eastern philosophy and spiritual traditions and became passionate about yoga, meditation and sacred arts.

While still searching for answers, I was thrust into the usual course of life, pursued formal education in Arts, lectured at various universities in India and abroad, married, and got immersed in family life.

However, life isn’t free from challenges. Disappointments, sorrow and disillusionment are part of life, they rob us of strength and deplete our spirit. Triggered by a series of setbacks, I found myself lost, disillusioned and desolate. I couldn’t function, I struggled to fathom the meaning of it all.

I quit my lecturing job and dedicated myself to seeking- desperately looking for answers. I pursued studies in meta-cognitive behaviour and eastern psychotherapy, but to no avail, for knowledge alone feeds not the hungry soul. My desperation to find inner-peace and experience higher consciousness led me to visit various spiritual and religious centres and meet some extraordinary enlightened masters. I spent a lot of time in monasteries around spiritual masters whose teachings, guidance, healing and sacred initiations transformed my being and brought a profound shift in perception. It is here that I discovered my true self for which I’m eternally grateful.

Our pain and suffering serve to nudge us, to shake off our delusions, to release us from bondage and open the door to freedom. It gives us a glimpse into the truth. To see the glimpse of the truth is the beginning of a pilgrimage that leads us to the ultimate, authentic self.

Your pain, says Kahlil Gibran, is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.

Come explore your higher dimensions and get ready to transform!

“I have been struggling with issues in my life that have been limiting and suffocating me, I always thought that I have overcome my past. I was surprised to see that the past emotional pain, that I had seemingly forgotten, surfaced again. These processes have given me freedom and clarity that I much needed; freedom from the past and clarity about the future.” - Cathy, Teacher

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