True acceptance can be practised by witnessing what is happening in the outer and inner world and accepting the situation along with accepting the response of our inner space. When complete acceptance happens, one becomes established in true self and connects with life at a deeper level.

Acceptance is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to, rather than opposing, the flow of life. How can it be helpful to mentally argue with what is? When we argue with reality (of this moment), it hurts, we feel anger and frustration. When we want reality to be different, we suffer.

Suffering is always, ALWAYS, born out of resistance to the present moment. When we stop resisting, we stop suffering.

To accept unconditionally and without reservation, one must let go of fantasy and recognize and accept what is: this recognition and acceptance immediately frees us from illusions and reconnects us with reality; it opens our inner space for love, relationships, deeper understanding and, eventually, great freedom!

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